
A bold, typographically driven design with a focus on mobile usability.

August 7, 2017

With an aging non-mobile-friendly site, Northwest Film Forum needed to redesign mobile usability and functionality, update our look and feel, and take a holistic approach to better express where we are today. Partnering with Shore, a local branding and digital agency, we tasked ourselves with redefining our online presence to help users engage with our films and to equip our filmmaking community with helpful resources.…

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STG presents The Future of Film is Feminist Festival

June 13, 2017

STG presents THE FUTURE OF FILM IS FEMINIST FESTIVAL on July 13, 2017, as part of STG’s free Nights at the Neptune series!

Collectively, Reel Grrls, NWFF, & NFFTY are excited to partner with Seattle Theatre Group for the opportunity to envision the future. Join us July 13th for the Future of Film is Feminist Festival, a collective community gathering that highlights the talents of young female-identified filmmakers.

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Northwest Film Forum & Abramorama Announce The Seventh Art Stand

March 16, 2017

NEW YORK, NY – A coalition of movie theaters across the United States announced today The Seventh Art Stand, a nation-wide series of film screenings and discussions. An act of cinematic solidarity against Islamophobia, the Stand will take place in May 2017, with over 30 locations in 18 states confirmed.

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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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