
Local Sightings 2018 Print Catalog & October 2018 Calendar are Now Online!

September 19, 2018

Local Sightings is Seattle’s only festival dedicated to Pacific Northwest films and filmmakers.

Feature screenings and short films are only part of the story: artist workshops, performances and networking events allow for a collective exploration of regional creativity.

Local Sightings plays a significant regional role in the discovery of new film talent and provides working filmmakers opportunities for community-building and exposure. The festival has also gai…

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21st Local Sightings Film Festival Comes to NWFF September 21-29!

August 30, 2018

Northwest Film Forum is getting ready to kick off its 21st edition of  Local Sightings— Seattle’s only festival dedicated to Pacific Northwest films and filmmakers: a showcase of new films from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, the Yukon and British Columbia. Produced every year by Northwest Film Forum, the festival features new films, parties, juried prizes and film conversation. Screenings are only part of the story: a…

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Pride Month Programming at Northwest Film Forum!

June 12, 2018

It’s Pride Month, and leading up to Seattle PrideFest on June 24th, we will be celebrating LGBTQIA pride with a unique selection of screenings here at the Northwest Film Forum!  Seattle has always been a bastion for queer rights, so are excited to provide a Blanket Fort Films showcase to give you a taste of what cinema Seattle has to contribute to Pride culture.  Additionally, we will be screening queer films with national and international themes, including

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Northwest Film Forum is Hiring a New Executive Director

June 7, 2018

Mission, Vision, and Values

Northwest Film Forum incites public dialogue and creative action through collective cinematic experiences. Our vision is a world where all people have the power to express themselves and connect with each other through visual storytelling and culture. We acknowledge that we are on Indigenous land, the traditional territories of the Coast Salish people. In recognition of the role of the arts as a vehicle for social change, we are committed to undoing systems …

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The Forum says a Fond Farewell to a 15-Year-Old Awning

May 21, 2018

Originally installed in 2003 as a “temporary” solution for Northwest Film Forum’s façade, the awning that hangs outside has seen hundreds of amazing filmmakers and audiences come and go. On Tuesday morning, May 22nd, 2018, having reliably performed its sheltering duty to denizens of 12th Avenue for a decade and a half, the awning will finally ride off into the sunset. In June, a new awning design by local firm Olson Kundig will take its place.

If y…

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Board Statement and Press Release – Executive Director Courtney Sheehan is Moving on in October

April 10, 2018

Every once in a while, an opportunity comes along to be a part of something wonderful. To create something beautiful and joy-inspiring as a collective unit.

Being a board member at Northwest Film Forum and actively participating as the organization has revitalized and so fully embodied its mission has been one such opportunity.

Courtney Sheehan’s vision and implementation of creative ideas has brought new life to the Northwest Film Forum. It has imbued the board, staff, volunteers and ou…

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Meet CHIMAERA, our new Education & Artist Services Manager

March 26, 2018

We’re excited to welcome a new member to our team this Spring!

CHIMAERA is a multidisciplinary conceptual artist, curator, producer, community organizer and educator from Tacoma, WA. They are most excited about getting to know the NWFF community and engaging filmmakers throughout the Northwest that have been historically marginalized in the film industry as creators, curators, mentors and educators. They look forward to supporting the work of a new wave of creative visionaries with the insigh…

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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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