Introducing Board President Raya Leary
There is an energy of change in the world right now, which brings both difficulty and opportunity. More than an arts organization, Northwest Film Forum is a living organism, made up of people creating, gathering, laughing, learning and challenging one another. An organism that thrives in the face of change is one that leans into it, that is adaptable and willing to evolve—in tandem with or opposition to—the world around it.
Raya Leary
Board President
P.S. For some of you, this may be your first time seeing my name. Hello, I’m Raya, the new Board President at NWFF! I’ve been serving on the board for over a year now and bring to my role a background in arts administration, arts funding and community building. I’d love to start my tenure off on a high note, but I need your help: if you can contribute and spread the word to people in your life, I believe we can exceed our $100,000 fundraising goal by January 15th!
(Learn more about Raya on Northwest Film Forum’s Staff & Board page)