Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Wednesdays – My Boyfriend's Back [In-Person Only]
$15 General Admission
⚠️ Public safety notice ⚠️
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.
(Bob Balaban, US, 1993, 85 min, in English)
Make Believe Seattle presents the 30th anniversary for the undead love story to end all others, My Boyfriend’s Back. A teenage boy comes back from the dead because he is determined to win the most beautiful girl in school. Directed by Bob Balaban and starring Andrew Lowery, Matthew Fox, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and more!

About Make Believe Seattle:
MAKE BELIEVE SEATTLE is a genre film festival located in the Columbia City section of Seattle, dedicated to shining a light on the best in horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, and everything else we couch under that blanket term “genre”. There are few areas of the country more steeped in the mysterious and fantastical than Seattle, and we hope to shine a dark light on that energy that courses through the PNW’s veins. Striving to be a genre festival for everyone, our diverse and unpredictable programming aims to take even the most ardent genre fans out of their comfort zones. So join us in March of 2023 and let’s make believe…together.