Becoming Nobody
$13 General Admission
$10 Student/Senior
$7 Member
Visiting Artist
Director Jamie Catto in attendance on September 29th! Post-screening Q&A for 4:00pm (SOLD OUT!) and 6:30pm screenings; introduction for the 7:00pm screening.
Becoming Nobody represents the core arc of Ram Dass’ teachings and life. Through his turns as the scion of an eminent Jewish family from Boston, a rock-star Harvard psychologist, rascally counter-culture adventurer, Eastern holy man, stroke survivor and compassionate caregiver, Ram Dass has worn many hats on his journey, the narrative of which is revealed in this film.
Historic clips balance an engaging conversation between director Jamie Catto and Ram Dass. We come to understand how our old roles and disguises become increasingly burdensome. The film captures a loving man full of joy, wit, honesty and wisdom, at ease in conversation while sharing his considerable pains and pleasures. The life experiences that have freed him from the attachments of his ‘somebody-ness’ have transformed him into the radiant soul who continues to inspire generations of truth-seekers.
Using his own life as an example through the director’s interview, accompanied by archival footage and original music by Raghu Markus, Ram Dass explores our universal human condition and behaviors in connection to the journey of the soul and the shared unity of all of our lives.