Seattle Black Panther Party 50th Anniversary Kickoff
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 Member
Featuring a discussion with former Panthers.
* Sneak preview film screening & fundraiser! *
In April 1968, the Seattle Black Panther Party was established as the first Black Panther Party chapter outside of the State of California. In April 2018, the Seattle Chapter will hold its 50th anniversary commending the years of service to the people of Seattle and beyond. Join us for a film screening and celebration of 50 years of struggle for People’s Justice.
The event will feature discussion with former Panthers, and a sneak preview of a new documentary about the founding of the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party. Through the eyes of the 19 year old founder, Aaron Dixon, we witness the courage and commitment of the young men and women who rose up in rebellion, risking their lives in the name of freedom. The film retraces his journey to Oakland as he learns from influential activists Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, Elaine Brown and Ericka Huggins. The film traces the early forming of the party, the COINTEL PRO operation, the election of the first Black mayor of Oakland and the fall of Huey Newton, and the rise of the first female leader of the party. An unforgettable tale of triumphs, tragedies, and the enduring legacy of Black Power.
This event is part of the Seventh Art Stand, an ongoing act of cinematic solidarity against oppression.