Northwest Micropress Fair 2019 – Cadence Video Poetry Showcase
10am – 6pm: NW Micropress Fair
7:30pm – 11:59pm: After Party
This program will take place at Ace Hotel Portland.

NW Micropress Fair
Meet many of the smallest, newest, and best literary presses, magazines, and producers in the Northwest. This one-day AWP-offsite event showcases the many presses that don’t have the staff or means to be at the longer AWP three-day book fair.
The Cleaners is conveniently located a block from Powell’s Books, Inc., in the Ace Hotel Portland. You could have the most EPIC day of book buying: AWP, which will be open to the public on Saturday, Powell’s, our press fair, and the NoFair/Fair event as well. BUY BOOKS!
Presses and producers include: Entre Ríos Books, Scablands Books, Chin Music Press, Page Boy Magazine, Sage Hill Press, SPLAB, Short Run Seattle, Blue Cactus Press, Frontera Magazine, Margin Shift Reading Series, Cadence Video Poetry Festival / Northwest Film Forum, Till Writers, Ravenna Press, StringTown Press, Papeachu Press, Rhododo Press, Coast | No Coast, Winter Texts, Crab Creek Review, Poetic Games, Not a Pipe Publishing, Cascadia Rising Review, The Conium Review, Arq Press, Overcup Press, and Floating Bridge Press.

NW Micropress Fair After Party
Twenty six of the Northwest’s many of the smallest, newest, and best literary presses, magazines, and producers have been selling books all day and are ready to cut loose and relax!
We’re flipping the room from the Northwest Micropress Fair (doors closed from 6:00 to 7:30) and re-opening with a cash bar and so many fantastic readers from across the Northwest.
Three sets + w/ film and music after —
Rena Priest
Tara K Shepersky
Cosper Onstott
Alexandra Matthaw Rosenboom
Aileen Keown Vaux
Paul E Nelson
Simone Person
Nadine Maestas
Debby Dodds
Deborah Woodard
Alex Gallo-Brown
Samuel Snoek-Brown
Melinda Mueller
Mary Margaret Alvarado
Benjamin Gorman
John Burgess
Felicity Fenton
Kate Ristau
Natasha Moni
T.J Fuller
Alex Vigue
Christina Butcher
Paul Sheprow
Erin L. McCoy
Kathryn Smith
Jesse Morse
Adrian Kien
Matt Trease
Josie Kochendorfer
Chelsea Harris
Timothy Thomas McNeely
Knox Gardner
Short Film Program:
EJ Koh – The Island
Shin Yu Pai – The Iron Chink
Amber Flame + Anastacia-Renee – Starfish
Fiona Tinwei Lam – Plasticpoems
Brandon Jordan Brown – O Tired Love I am doing a tiptoe
Ellie Kozlowski + Jonah Kozlowski – Morning Routine
Elizabeth Schiffler + Erin Lynch – The Famous Whale
Kamari Bright – Deep in It
Neely Goniodsky – The Sine Wave
Shontina Vernon – Black Like Me
Shaun Kardinal – Contronym
Sierra Nelson – Cephalopod Meditation
Nikkita Oliver – Coyote Ridge (Correctional Center)
Eliot Michl – Return of the Unchartable Soul
Knox Gardner – Woodland Sketches
Joshua Young + Keetje Kuipers – Landscape with Sage and the Names of my Children