NWFF's 2019 Holiday Party: The Power Clash Bash
Come to a wild rumpus at your favorite Forum to loosen up before the scourge of mandatory family merrymaking descends upon your calendar!
Our annual holiday party falls on Friday the 13th this year, so we’re throwing a theme of general irreverence into the mix, inviting folks to come clothed as outré as they feel. Ugly sweaters are old hat – we’re looking for truly extradimensional ensembles – power-clashing, garish, and pattern-clad, accented with an artful touch of absurdity. Go wild! Get tasteless! Over-accessorize! If Friday the 13th fails to add any freakiness to these festivities, it’s all on you.
The old standbys also apply: bring holiday treats for the potluck and/or artwork to contribute to the artswap™️, and come prepared for maximum karaoke catharsis. Remember: this party lasts as long as someone’s singing or dancing, so bring it on!
* This event will be preceded by BTS Stories: Thin Skin with Charles Mudede, a Q&A and storytelling session that gives you a look behind-the-scenes at the feature film production! *
Outfit inspo: